
I am a trans­la­tor from English to German based in Berlin. As a trai­ned jour­na­list with a degree in English lite­ra­tu­re I specia­li­zed in trans­la­ting texts for the media more than 15 years ago.

My range of topics covers not only Poli­tics, Econo­mics, Cultu­re, Art, Fami­ly, Health, Ener­gy or Deve­lo­p­ment issu­es - you name it, I’ll trans­la­te. I have vast expe­ri­ence with features, news as well as opini­on pieces.

In case you need a trans­la­ti­on plea­se conta­ct me via email: c.torti@t-online.de. 

Else you can also reach me by phone: 0049/(0)30-43733697.